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Imagine curating valuable information and not having anyone to share it with? You might start with telling a friend the news in hopes that they will tell someone. In turn, they may tell a friend and before you know it, your news is spreading. This type of chain messaging is what can be expected when sharing information on social media platforms. Follow these content sharing tips and your content will get the views you’re looking for.

Check Your Privacy

Some platforms, like Facebook, allow you to share with certain groups of individuals. Check your settings to determine who your audience is. It can be specific people or the general public. Determine who you want to share your content with and post it.


Hashtags allow you to categorize content by using the # sign and a word or string of words. For example, if you’re content is about your family dog, you may want to use #dogs. If you’re content speaks to business, you may want to use #smallbusiness. When a user clicks on the hashtag, they’ll be directed to content pertaining to the topic.

Share Across Platforms

Each social media platform has unique users. Share your content on several platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram for optimal returns.

Tag Users

Tag other users when appropriate. Tagging users opens your posts to additional people depending on how many followers the person being tagged has. Be certain that the user your tagging has something to do with your post; there must be a reason they’re being tagged.

Remember, it’s about engaging users. Sharing valuable content is the key to growing a successful channel and no number of tips can reproduce the value of strong content. It doesn’t have to be complicated or complex; it must strike a chord with the reader.